We, Tracy and Walter Wimberly are parents of some wonderful (in our humble opinion) autistic boys.

We remember what it was like starting out. The frustration, the sadness, the fear – it is overwhelming and doesn’t you you, or your child, any good. When we started, autism wasn’t as well known, and there were few resources. While there are a lot more resources now, we still know how much of a struggle it can be.

Because we’ve gone through it, we wanted to help other parents who are going though that struggle. A chance to learn from someone who has already been there. A chance to see a possible light at the end of the tunnel.

We also know we were told that within 6 months of our diagnosis, there was a 50% chance we’d be headed for divorce. And while there are additional stressors – we’re still married over 20 years later. Now we will be honest. At times it is a struggle. It is hard. But it is possible. And that’s why we are doing this.

The idea for this website came several years ago when we met a young mother who was struggling with her two small children. She saw our children and could instantly tell – as only a parent with a child on the spectrum can – that our kids were on the spectrum. But what she saw for the first time she said was “hope”. We let her know about what we’d been through, and some of the challenges, but also some of the victories, and more importantly – resources.

We can’t do it alone – and we want to be a resource for those in need. I spent over an hour that day talking to her, as I have other parents. We wanted to provide a way to give hope to others, even if we don’t meet face to face. That’s why we started Autism Family Living. We’ve written over 100 articles on different subjects that we’ve experienced, and (un)fortunately, we know we haven’t experienced them all yet. But we’ll keep sharing and trying to help.

We’ve seen our sons grow in ways we could never expect, and we sincerely hope the same for you and your children.

So come along, see the journey we’re on together. Follow in our footsteps, and watch as we keep moving forward.

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out and contact us. We can’t provide solutions for everyone, but anyone we can, we will.