“You Forgot…” words you never want your child to say, until it’s just too humorous…

This week I was making Shortbread Cookies for a work party.

Our eldest was watching my wife and I make the cookies. So we offered him a cookie that we had just pulled off the cooling rack, as he normally loves to snack on homemade cookies.

He looked at us with all seriousness, and as grown up sounding as he could muster, “You forgot the Chocolate Chips“.

I guess a cookie can’t be a cookie, unless its a chocolate chip cookie. Granted, that’s almost exclusively what we make, but the way he said it, had both my wife and I in stitches. Meanwhile, our son looked at us, confused as to why we were laughing.

I remember when we were always so serious. We were so scared of what would happen with our little man, and terrified that we’d make it worse somehow.

We saw everything through tainted lenses knowing he’d never be like the kids down the street. And while that is still true, we’ve also learned to embrace those little quirks and enjoy the funny moments he provides. It makes it easier when we deal with some of the trials we’ve gone through over the years.

So don’t give up your sense of humor. Love them. Laugh with them. And keep moving on.

As for us, we’ll be making some chocolate chip cookies soon…

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