One program that we have been fortunate enough to have worked with and benefited from is Nathaniel’s Hope. Nathaniel’s Hope was created to celebrate kids with special needs (who they refer to as VIPs) as well as educate and assist communities and churches in the development of programs and assistance for special needs families.

Nathaniel’s Hope was created by Tim and Marie Kuck in 2002 after their four-year-old son Nathaniel passed away. Tim and Marie Kuck experienced how demanding it can be to raise a child with special needs and felt a strong desire to help other families to honor their son.

Nathaniel’s Hope has many programs they have designed to help special needs families.

Caregiver Respite Care

Their Buddy Break program provides respite once a month where parents get a break from their ongoing care-giving responsibilities, usually for three hours on a Friday night or Saturday morning. The children participate in fun activities, such as games, crafts, music and listen to stories. Currently their Buddy Break program operates in 24 states with another 3 states, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom with programs currently being developed. They are always looking for new churches to partner with. Our children participated in this program for many years while we lived in Florida. They always had a great time!

Special Events

Make ‘m Smile is their largest event of the year. Each year on the first Saturday of the month at Lake Eola in Orlando, Florida Make ‘m Smile features their Buddy Break program, local resources, fun zones, musical performances, costumed characters, and lots of free food and gifts for their VIPs. They also have a Buddy Stroll where non-VIPs are paired up with VIP families and they can walk around Lake Eola together. In the past they have also done a butterfly release in memory of the VIPs that have passed away. My kids all love this event and look forward to attending every year. We still try to attend even though we now live in a different state. Last year they also held a Make ‘m Smile in Ohio for the first time. Currently the only Make ‘m Smile event posted for 2020 is the Orlando location, but keep checking their website to see if other locations may be added.

Keep ‘m Smiling are additional events that are scheduled throughout the year. These are by reservation only and spaces are limited. You’ll need that VIP membership number to register. Past events have included movie showings, Legoland, Fun Spot, ballet shows at Christmas, and more.

In order to attend one of their Make ‘m Smile and Keep ‘m Smiling events you will need a VIP membership number.

Nathaniel’s Hope also has several programs for their VIPs at Christmas time. Nathaniel’s Toy Shop provides free Christmas gifts to financially challenged VIP families in Central Florida. Their Caroling Caravan program delivers toys and caroling to financially challenged VIP families who were unable to shop at Nathaniel’s Toy Shop. In their Caroling for Kids program volunteers sing Christmas carols and deliver treats to VIPs in the hospital.

In their VIP Birthday Club, each year registered VIPs receive a birthday card from Nathaniel’s Hope. There is also a section on the Nathaniel’s Hope website where VIPs first name, birthday, and photo is posted. This portion is optional, when you register you may chose to not have your child listed at all or just their first name and birthday listed.

Nathaniel’s Hope also has their Hall of Hope program, designed to remembering those VIP kids who have passed away. Families may chose to have their child added to the Hall of Hope by going to their website and filling out a form. You may chose how much or little to fill out to be placed on the Nathaniel’s Hope website.

Our Experience

My husband and I enjoyed our time working with the Buddy Break program. We worked mostly behind the scenes, but would occasionally work at the Buddy Break with the kids. It was so rewarding seeing all the happy kids and creating fun memories for them. When we take advantage of the respite program we always had a great time spending time together as a couple – which almost never happens and loved hearing about all the great activities our kids participated in while we were gone.

We also enjoyed their Make ‘m Smile event, so much than when we moved we continued to go to Florida to attend. My oldest counts the days until the next one. It’s also fun to catch up with the many friends we made at Buddy Break. My kids love playing the games in the fun zone and getting their picture taken with the costumed characters.

If you happen to be in the areas where Nathaniel’s Hope operates, please check out their programs. If not, maybe a church near you might be interested in teaming up with Nathaniel’s Hope.

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